
Shannon is a social impact leader highly skilled in strategy development, communications and project management. For the past 15 years she has advised purpose-driven companies and nonprofit clients on citizenship strategy, social justice, storytelling, change management, sustainability, content and messaging, partnership development and stakeholder engagement.
Shannon believes that outstanding consultants focus as much on the how as on the what. She approaches every client engagement as a partnership. She is the extra set of hands, the on-demand brainpower, and the trusted thought partner that helps clients make real progress. She excels at organizing complexity, making thorough and nuanced recommendations, and helping teams meet and exceed the expectations before them.
Shannon wrote about CSR for startups in Starting With Purpose and how to take employee volunteering global in Global Employee Engagement, both published by the Silicon Valley Community Foundation.
Shannon has an MPA from New York University’s Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service and a BA from Loyola College in Maryland.